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  • Query: MOUNT
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Record Type Title
Item G-1562_MtHollyBridge.jpg Mount Holly bridge over cut, summit
Item G-1564_MtHollyBigCut.jpg Mount Holly big cut summit
Item G-1563_MtHollyIcePillars.jpg Mount Holly ice pillars
Item G-1565_SmugglersNotchRoad.jpg Smuggler's Notch road and trees
Item W-5_Mansfield&Brook.jpg Mansfield and brook, Pleasant Valley, Cambridge
Item Doc221-136.1_MrsCoolidgeAtMountAlto_47258R.jpg Mrs. Coolidge at Veterans' Garden Party
Item DowneyMeyersBridge-Food Shelf.jpg Oral history interview with Bridget Downey-Meyer
Item XMSC163-10_MountHolly.jpg Illustration of the engine Mount Holly
Item 1087_VaultMontpelier.jpg Vault in Montpelier
Item OldBarns1845.jpg Barns and stone walls, Vermont.
Item 26.jpg Fig. 26. Margaret Pitkin Monument, "Little Margaret"
Item DorsetGilbertI13.jpg "Aeolus from our Porch, 1908"