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  • Query: MARCH
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Record Type Title
Item 2020_P_07_beaverfurbuyer.jpg Beaver Day in March, 1951
Item SmallBsideHotelMontpelierPavilion1850.1.jpg Soiree Sociale, at the Pavilion Hotel, Montpelier, Vt.
Item Doc221-86.1_MrsCoolidgeAtAmaryllisShow_29476.jpg Mrs. Coolidge at amaryllis show
Item Doc221-104.1_MrsCoolidge&WomanInFeatheredHats_12340.jpg Mrs. Coolidge and woman in feathered hat
Item G-1465_FtEthanAllenOnTheMarch.jpg Fort Ethan Allen, on the march
Item 385-743--M7685sp--Small--1.jpg Special notice : On or after March l, 1883 the following instructions for the transportation of corpses must be strictly complied with / W.A. Stowell, Supt.
Item 371-53--C366--Small--1.jpg Reward of merit : this may certify that Friend Chapman has been very diligent in his studies the past winter. Cavendish, March 12th 1824 / Dan DeLaney, Inst.
Item CuttingsvilleSchoolMemorialDay.jpg Memorial Day
Item 784--C421--1846--Small--1.jpg The Cheney Family respectfully announce that they will give a concert : of vocal music with instrumental accompaniments, [Friday] evening, [March 27] at [the Meetinghouse in Cuttingsville]
Item Doc221-72.9_MrsCoolidgeAtRestClubOpening_37420R.jpg Mrs. Coolidge at club opening
Item CuttingsvilleSchoolMemorialDay1940.jpg Memorial Day
Item Doc221-69.8_KansasSingersAtWhiteHouse_54224R.jpg Kansas singers at White House