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  • Collection: Champlain Islands Photographs

Lyon-Hatch barn

Two photos of the Lyon-Hatch barn, which is in a state of disrepair.

Captain Daniel Wilcox Tavern - Home

Home of Captain Daniel Wilcox, an early Grand Isle settler who was an experienced boat-builder. He operated a tavern that provided lodging for travelers using the ferries on Lake Champlain.

Gordon House

House owned by Ira Gordon. Upon his death, ownership was transferred to his son, Solon.

Vantine Rooming-Boarding House

H. Seward Vantine's boarding house in Grand Isle, Vt.

Gordon - Center House

Two photos of a stone house taken in winter and in autumn.

Knight's Inn

Two photos of the inn built in 1845 by (probably) John Knight, Jr. It was located at the Ferry Landing on the south tip of North Hero Island. The first photo shows the wooden addition to the brick house, which was suddenly demolished in December 1976…

Knight's House

View of the Knight House from the back. Of note is the old foundation of the wooden addition that was demolished by Vermont Forests & Parks in 1976, which predates the 1845 Brick House.

Foundation of Knight's House

Closeup of the old foundation of the wooden addition to the Knight House. Estimates suggest that this foundation was laid sometime after 1796 by John Knight, Sr. after he purchased the land from Enos Wood, who had built a log cabin on the same…

Block House Point

Replica of the 1781 British Loyal Block House built around 1953 by Oscar E. Bredenberg of Champlain, New York, who was well known for historical knowledge and writings of the Champlain Valley during the Revolutionary War. The second photo is of the…

Vacation Camp

Four photos of the vacation camp on Block House Point Road. The first photo is of James McBride's original home before he moved to North Hero's east shore in 1870. The second is of Royal C. Blanchard's original home, which is located halfway in on…

North Hero - Alburgh Ferry Landing

Black and white version of the color photo showing the remains of the old ferry landing and dock.

West Side of Main Street, North Hero

West side of North Hero's Main Street, looking from north to south. In the first photo, from right to left, we have (1) the North Hero House (the former Irving House, the partially visible tan building), (2) Mrs. Stephanie Bugden's house, (3) Dr.…