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  • Collection: Champlain Islands History compiled by Allen L. Stratton

Captain John Stark's barn

Two photos of the so called Captain John Stark Barn, located across the highway opposite Wallis Mott's house. Captain Stark died here on September 26, 1806 when he was kicked by a horse.

Old White Meeting House

Front side of the original South Hero Congregational Church.

Protestant Church sign

Sign on South Hero's First Protestant Church/Town Hall.

Allen House

Built in 1828 after the original wooden house burned down. The original house was the home of Eleazer Hawks Allen, and this brick house was erected at the request of his widow, Lucy (Martin) Allen. Later, this home was owned by their son, Gilbert…

South Street house

A very old house located between the Congregational Church and South Hero Cemetery. Originally part of the estate of Rev. Asa Lyon, it changed hands to Rev. Orville G. Wheeler sometime after 1841, and then to Lucien Allen following 1890. Around 1944,…

Fletcher - Tracy House

Located north of South Hero Village on the old Route 2, this house was built at a very early date by Issi Fletcher and served as an inn and tavern. Around 1840, it came into the possession of Gardner Tracy, and seems to have remained in his family:…

David Corbin House

Two photos of David Corbin's house, located on Ferry Road (Route 314).

Iodine Springs House

This hotel was built by Fred Landon on Keeler's Bay around 1868. Captain Warren Corbin purchased it in 1870 and owned it until 1890, at which point his wife took over and ran it until 1896. George W. Squier bought it after that and ran it until his…

Lorenzo Hall House

This house was built by Lorenzo Hall in 1829. It was next the home of his son, Wallace P. Hall, and then Frank H. and Evalena Wright. As of 1981, the house was owned by Mr. and Mrs. Charles W Stephenson. It is located on the present Lake View Road,…

Hall House

This house is located on the north side of the old Route 2, between South Hero "Corners" and the Old White Meeting House. The original date of its construction is unknown, though the 1857 Walling's Map gives the first indication of its existence and…

Lewis Mott Home

A four hundred acre farm located just at the west end of Sand-Bar Bridge on the south side of the Old Route 2. It was the home of Lewis Mott (d. 1861) and his wife Laura Allen Mott (d. 1889). After Laura Mott passed away, the farm became the L.

Original Methodist Church

South Hero's 1st Methodist Church was built around 1816 by the Methodist Society of South Hero. This is mentioned in the Town Clerk's Records (Deed, Vol. 6, pg. 418, May 6, 1816). As of 1969, the building is used by the Freemasons as a meeting place.