Browse Items (454 total)

  • Collection: Broadsides, Posters and Printed Ephemera

Scotch oil! formerly H. D. Kendall's spavin cure

Testimonials dated 1881 to 1883.

Reward of merit : Master James Phelps by his studious attention and good behavior is entitiled to ... / Inst. Alpheus Bugbee

Certificate and verse in letterpress with manuscript additions. Signed by Alpheus Bugbee.

Reward of merit : the bearer receives this as ... reward of good behavior ... diligent attention ... in school. A child's prayer

Woodcut and citation within elaborate border. Poem on verso. Removed from "Scholar's pocket companion" printed in Windsor, Vt., 1809.

Oath of allegiance to the United States government : [signed] Geo. W. Beaman. The bearer ... has taken ... oath. Permission ... granted ... to pass St. Louis, Mo. ... [signed] Jno. C. Borland

Loyalty oath and pass issued to soldiers returning home after Civil War. Physical description of bearer in manuscript on verso.

Letter] 25 March, 1825 [to] Samuel Morse, Esq., Croydon / Thomas Emerson, William Chamberlin, Frederick A. Sumner, John L. Woods, Committee

Form letter seeking opinions on improving navigation of Connecticut River. Appoints Mr. Morse agent in Croydon.

Object lessons in cookery : in the reading room of the town hall, Windsor, Vt. ... Aug. 22, 1882 ... Miss Parloa, of Boston

Advertisement for eight lectures. Subjects, price and directions to participants listed.