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  • Collection: Historic Photos from Vermont Towns

A Family Recreation: Paradise Skating Rink, Montpelier-Barre Road

Poster for the Paradise Skating Rink located at 375 River Street, Montpelier. Poster shows a Caucasian family of three holding hands and smiling while roller skating. The mother and daughter match with blonde bobs, white sweaters and roller skates,…

Main entrance and entrance hall of the Pavilion Hotel, 1969

PWG18Pavilion interior 1969 front doors.jpg
Front entrance and entrance hall of the Pavilion Hotel, Montpelier, Vermont, as seen from the stairhall, taken to document the condition of the building, September, 1969.

Entrance hall and stairhall of the Pavilion Hotel, 1969

PWG19Pavilion interior 1969 hallway.jpg
Entrance hall and stairhall of the Pavilion Hotel, Montpelier Vermont, as seen from the main entrance, taken to document the condition of the building, September, 1969.

Pavilion Hotel, circa 1900

Pavilion Hotel, Montpelier, Vermont, circa 1900, taken by George R. Bosworth of Berlin, Vermont.

Barre-Montpelier Road Looking East

View of the Barre-Montpelier Road looking east toward Barre from the approximate location of today's Burger King at 1331 Barre-Montpelier Road. The stacked lumber is near where a large building that houses the Vermont Lottery Commission and Express…

Garage and Cyclist

View of a defunct gas station at 360 North Main Street, Barre, with a bicyclist riding in the foreground. In 1971 this was known as "Fred's Blue Sunoco." There is a residential building and what looks to be an industrial structure of some kind to the…

Flowers by Bergeron

Abandoned storefront of Flowers by Bergeron in Barre, Vermont, covered with circus posters. The store, which was located at 367 North Main Street, was demolished for an in-town shopping center soon after this photograph was taken.

Brown's Pharmacy

Brown's Pharmacy storefront at 373 North Main St. in Barre, Vermont. Sign in left window states "Opening in new location Monday June 3rd." There is a reflection of a car and opposite building in the left window, a reflection of opposite building in…

Demolition Site

Pile of rubble from building demolition in Barre, Vermont. Image includes partially visible painted Coca-Cola sign on building wall rubble, windows with no glass, the shadow of crane on the building. This may be Dente's store at 387 North Main…

School Room

Interior of abandoned school room in Barre, Vermont, with lurid writing on chalkboard, natural light streaming in through windows, and curtain left partially unrolled on dirty floor. Location of school is unknown, but it may be the North Barre School…

Keep Clean Freshly Painted

Exterior of an abandoned storefront in Barre, Vermont. The left storefront window is covered with a tarp from inside the building and the reflection of trees opposite is visible in the window. There is a padlock on door, overgrown grass, a crack in…

372 North Main Street

Residence at 372 North Main Street, Barre, Vermont (corner of North Main Street and Vermont Route 62). Shows ornate residence, traffic signs, intersection, car driving past, pedestrian on sidewalk, and landscaper or service crew member. This is…