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  • Collection: Selected Small Broadsides

Correct profile likenesses, taken at Mr.$$$$ from 8 o'clock in the morning until 9 in the evening. M. Chapman ... takes correct profiles ... paints and shades them ... for 75 cents

Illustrated with two Chapman silhouettes. See Carrick, Alice V., Hist. of Amer. Silhouettes. p.7, ill., 114- 115, work.

Building the temple

Poem relating to poet Daniel I Cady's mausoleum on Hardtack Hill, West Windsor, Vermont.

Statement of the facts in the annexation case of Richmond and Bolton

Act to annex part of Richmond to Bolton [No.54] was introduced to Vt. House of Rep. by Mr. Colton in 1852. (See Vt. House Journal, 1852, p.401). Vt. Senate defeated bill 23 Nov., 1852. (See Vt. Senate Journal, 1852, p.213).

Vermont is a state I love

"From extemporaneous remarks at Bennington, Autumn, 1928." The VHS Library has various imprints of this text.

Christmas and holiday goods : large variety of fancy articels [sic]

Verses of "The legend of the willow pattern plate" and history of willow ware china are included. Dana's store was also known as New York Cash Store.

Where Vermont comes in

"At a college alumni dinner given at the University Club in New York City at which several states were represented Chas. H. Darling was invited to respond to the toast "Where Vermont comes in." and made the following response." Printed on postcard…