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  • Subject is exactly "Whig Party (Vt.)"

O.K.! Old Chittenden Forever!, 1840

Extra from the Burlington Free Press, dated Tuesday, September 2. This appears to be an extract from the newspaper edition published Friday, September 4, 1840, indicating that the date is incorrectly printed. The announcement details the vote counts…

Vermont Patriot Extra, Democracy Victorious! 1852

Extra published by the Vermont Patriot & State Gazette, Montpelier, November 1852 updating the public on initial returns from the 1852 presidential election between Franklin Pierce (Democrat) and Winfield Scott (Whig). "Democracy Victorious! That…

Harrison Elector Ticket, 1840

List of Vermont's electors for William Henry Harrison in the 1840 presidential campaign, including two electors at large and twelve district electors. The ticket is illustrated with a log cabin, the symbol of the Harrison campaign.