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  • Subject is exactly "Democratic Party (Vt.)--Broadsides"

Hancock and English Clubs of Montpelier, 1880

Invitation to a special meeting of the Hancock and English Clubs of Montpelier, Monday, August 30, 1880. Winfield Scott Hancock and William H. English ran for President and Vice President on the Democratic ticket in the 1880 election. The invitation…

Poster for Colonel A.M. Waddell Oration at Camp Watson, Milton, Vermont, 1880

Poster advertising an appearance by Colonel A.M. Waddell of North Carolina at Camp Watson, on shore of Lake Champlain in Milton, Vermont, Monday, August 23, 1880. The poster calls for "A restored union and national good will!" and claims that "The…

Flag Raising by the Supporters of Hancock and English, 1880

Poster for a flag raising by the supporters of Democratic candidates for President and Vice President, Winfield Scott Hancock and William H. English. The event took place in Montpelier on Saturday, July 3, 1880. Among the confirmed speakers, the…

The Star Has "Sot," Newspaper Extra, 1853

Extra from the Vermont Patriot & State Gazette, published in Montpelier, dated Friday, October 28 [1853]. The extra announces the selection of John S. Robinson as the state's Governor. Robinson (Democratic), ran against Erastus Fairbanks (Whig) and…

Democratic Ticket for Vermont Electors of the President and Vice President, Grover Cleveland and Allen G. Thurman, 1888

Democratic ticket for the Vermont electors for president, Grover Cleveland, of New York, and for Vice President, Allen G. Thurman, of Ohio. The four candidates for Vermont's four electors are listed: Waldo Brigham, Edmund Deschenes, Charles J. Alger,…

Sample Ballot for Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States, 1936

Sample ballot for electors of the President and Vice-President of the United States. Printed on pink paper, this sample ballot includes the candidates for Vermont electors for the Republican, Democratic, and Communist tickets. Voters are instructed…

Sample Ballot, 1892

Sample ballot for the selection of Electors of President and Vice President. Voters are instructed to vote for four candidates by marking an X next to each name. On the ballot are four candidates each for the Republican (Benjamin Harrison and…

Letter from the Democratic State Committee, 1852

Democratic State Committee circular, dated Montpelier, October 25, 1852 regarding the upcoming presidential election between Democrat Franklin Pierce and Whig Winfield Scott. Addressed "Dear Sir," the five writers implore the reader to do everything…

Administrative Reform, 1876

Administrative Reform.jpg
Ticket related to the 1876 presidential election calling for Administrative reform." The slip is illustrated with a rooster, the symbol of the Democratic Party, and lists the Democratic candidates for president and vice president, Samuel J. Tilden of…

Tilden and Hendricks Club!, 1876

Announcement for a meeting of the Tilden and Hendricks Club on Thursday, August 17, 1876 at the Village Hall in Montpelier. Samuel Tilden, Governor of New York, was the 1876 Democratic nominee for president, and Thomas A. Hendricks, governor of…