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  • Subject is exactly "Vermont. General Assembly"

An Act to regulate the choice of a Council of Censors

A true copy of an act passed by the Legislature of the State of Vermont on 6 November 1833 signed and dated by Timothy Merrill, Secretary of State. The document is addressed by hand to the First Constable of Barre, Vermont.

An Act. To Regulate Council of Censors

A true copy of an act to regulate the choice of a council of censors passed by Vermont Legislature on 11 November 1819, signed and dated by William Slade, Secretary of State. This is followed by a list of the members of the legislature in Vermont.…

Lieutenant governor's address. : Gentlemen of the Council, and of the House of Representatives, I embrace this opportunity to manifest my acceptance of the office, to which I have been declared duly elected. ...

Communicating the "wish hereafter not to be considered as a candidate for any office" and expressing "the deep sense of gratitude which I feel to my fellow citizens." Signed: Paul Brigham. Montpelier, Oct. 15th, 1819. Text printed in two columns.